Emily Han, a freshman at St Joseph High School in Lakewood, has beaten out 130,000 other teens to win her state’s Doodle 4 Google competition.
“Like many teens living in the comfort of suburban America, I often wish to be anywhere but here,” says Han on her Google Doodle page. “My best day ever will be the day I take a journey to faraway places, broadening my horizons and meeting a diverse multitude of people from different cultures.”
Han’s eye-poppingly energetic doodle illustrate’s her vision of the year’s Google Doodle theme of “My Best Day Ever”, depicting an airliner zooming around a globe bursting at the seams with interesting destinations. Her only hope at this point is that she will get enough votes to make sure she will be on that plane.
For the gifted 14-year-old the next step toward achieving her dream will be to fly to New York City for the final awards ceremony where she’s eligible to win a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology grant for her school.
“I will need the Asian American community’s help in getting the vote out,” she said in an email.
To vote for Emily Han’s doodle
click here.
Visit her Facebook site by
clicking here.